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Sept 2024 - July 2025

Harvest Festival

Pupils enjoyed growing a variety of vegetables in the school allotment this year.  We donated a selection to the Hailey Centre in Sawbridgeworth, a local charity which offers a meeting place for over fifty fives. Staff were delighted to receive the fresh produce as they provide nutritional home cooked meals for their club members.

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Sept 2023 - July 2024

Festival Of Light

Eco Council made lanterns for the Festival of Light at Great St Mary's church in Sawbridgeworth. 

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Climate Justice

The children created artwork to support Climate Justice and displayed them in St James' Church to share with the community.

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Harvest Festival

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Sept 2022 - July 2023

Allotment & Harvest Festival

The children provided an array of items for our Harvest Festival. They also harvested a range of fruit and vegetables from our school allotment which were displayed in St James Church and later offered to local residents. A number of non-perishable items (e.g. pasta, rice, coffee) were donated locally to the Harlow Food Bank and our fresh fruit and vegetables were also donated to the Hailey Centre, which is a meeting place for over 55s. Many delicious meals were made from our donations, including hearty vegetable soup.

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Thank you to Harlow Garden Centre for kindly donating a selection of seeds for the children to grow in our school allotment. We used them to support our curriculum and also offered some of the produce to the local community.

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Scarecrow Festival

The children made a colourful contribution to this year's Scarecrow Festival. Members of the church came and visited our school to help the pupils produce their wonderful designs. They painted flowers and bees onto recycled plastic which were used to decorate railings and fence posts.

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Sept 2021 - July 2022

School Allotment

The school allotment is bursting with wonderful produce grown by the children from Van Hage's kind donation. We look forward to creating an autumn display to show at the harvest service.

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Scarecrow Festival

This year the Scarecrow Festival was themed with butterflies and mushrooms. The children painted thier butterfly designs onto recycled plastic and displayed them around the village. It was a successful weekend with lots of compliments on the school's colourful contribution.

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Sept 2020 - July 2021

Thank you Van Hage

Vam Hage kindly donated a generous selection of seeds and potatoes for the children to grow in our school allotment. They will support our curriculum throughout the year and we look forward to planting them.

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Thank you from HILS

A selection of cards the children created can be seen below.


Christmas Cards for HILS

A selection of Christmas cards created by the children for Hertfordshire Independent Living Service.

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Christmas Shoeboxes

pdf_icon Thank you letter from FSCI (524KB)

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Harvest Festival

This year we will be celebrated Harvest differently. We did not go to church but held a celebration via Videolink within school. We collected for Harlow Foodbank. In school the students saw the Foodbank’s new video - showing how all donations are sorted and distributed, finding their way to those affected by poverty in Harlow. The Foodbank has a bigger job this year. They aim to support all those affected by the Coronavirus this winter.

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Sept 2019 - July 2020

Remembrance Day

Yr2 created a poppy wreath made from thank you notes. We visited the church where we learnt about the local soldiers and then placed our wreath next to the war memorial.

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Harvest Festival

We invited parents to the church to join our service. The children displayed a selection of produce grown in the school allotment and each class gave a range of goods to be donated to a local food bank.

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Sept 2018 - July 2019

High Wych WW1 Community Commemoration Event

Children of all year groups produced a variety of work for display in the Memorial Hall and St James Church.

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music_note Click on the pictures to hear the Ukes of Hazard perform their songs

Community Events November 2018

Commemoration Services and Festival of Remembrance (275KB)

Harvest Festival

The children displayed a range of vegetables grown in the school allotment along with giant sunflowers grown for wild bird food. Each class gave a range of tinned and dried produce which the church donated to a local charity.

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Scarecrow Festival

Once again the village was full of a wonderful assortment of creative scarecrows. The children of High Wych School were highly commended for their contribution.

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Sept 2017 - July 2018

St James High Wych Flower Festival

The children created a display to celebrate the work of Katherine Johnson and her colleagues Dorothy Vaugn and Mary Jackson. Katherine, (born August 26th 1918), was an American mathmetician whose calculations of mathmatics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. unmanned spaceflights.

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Sawbridgeworth Schools & Town Council Art Project

St. James and the Scallop Shell

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The High Wych School logo was designed using the scallop shell which is the emblem of St. James. 
The children created a collage as our contribution to the art project.  Please look out for our work which is displayed in Bakers Walk.

Messy Church

Come and join us for Messy Church at St James' Church on Good Friday at 10am - 12.
Children 0-16 must be accompanied by any adult. Crafts, Easter story and refreshments.

Welcome Back Wendy

We would like to welcome Rev Wendy Carter back to our school and village.

Harvest Festival at St James, High Wych

The baskets of vegetables were grown by the children in our school allotment and they picked the apples and pears from our fruit trees.

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Scarecrow Festival

The village was decorated with a fantastic assortment of scarecrows and wellington boots.

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Sept 2016 - July 2017

Hertfordshire Independent Living Service - Christmas Card Project.

Children in school made an extra special Christmas card this year, they took part in the annual HILS project. The children learnt about the importance of remembering those that may not have family around them and designed beautiful, festive cards to give to an elderly member of the community who might be spending Christmas alone.

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Yr5 Choir

choir+sing Yr5 members of the choir visited Orchard Lea Retirement Village to sing Christmas carols to the residents.

pdf_icon Thank you letter "The residents thoroughly enjoyed it as always and look forward to the next one."

Remembrance Day

Year 2 made poppies on Remembrance Day. They met the vicar and our local historian in the churchyard for a short service and placed their poppy wreath under the memorial cross.

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Harvest Festival at St James, High Wych

musical_note Harvest Samba

Our display contains food grown by the children in our school allotment, fruit gathered from our school trees and groceries brought in by all of the classes. The food was distributed between a local women's refuge and elderly village residents.

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WWI Exhibition - High Wych Memorial Hall








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