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Violet - Year 4

pdfYr4 Curriculum Map Overview (85KB)

pdfArt (254KB) pdfComputing (266KB) pdfDT (240KB) pdfGeography (95KB) pdfHistory (266KB) pdfMaths (269KB) pdfMFL (226KB) pdfMusic (710KB) PSHE (225KB) pdfPE (72KB) pdfRE (274KB) pdfReading (342KB) pdfScience (206KB) pdfScience Principles & Vision (97KB) pdfWriting (548KB)

pdfHomework Overview (231KB)

pdf Autumn Newsletter 2024 (140KB)

Sept 2022 - July 2023


Year 4 have enjoyed their unit on Animation in Computing. They produced their final animation based on ‘Stop Motion Animation’ based on Wallace and Gromit.
Here is an example of their creations.

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Christmas Cards

Year 4 have studied ‘optical illusions’ which was inspired by ‘lenticular prints’ by Luz Perez and we have used these techniques to create our own Christmas Cards.

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Optical Illusion

Year 4 have studied ‘optical illusions’ which was inspired by ‘lenticular prints’ by Luz Perez and created our own versions.

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Barbra Hepworth

Referring to the work of Barbra Hepworth, Year 4 used a variety of tools to create their own fish sculpture out of soap. Here are our designs.

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Willow Pattern

Year 4 used the traditions of The Willow Pattern design to create a plate of their own using a traditional tale. Year 4 used ink to create their design.

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Sept 2021 - July 2022

Bhaktivedanta Manor

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Christmas Cards and Calendars

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Recreating the Functions of the Human Digestive System

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Ancient Egyptian Day

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Musical Instuments

yr4inst1 yr4_inst2 yr4_inst4
yr4_inst2a yr4_inst3

Sept 2020 - July 2021

PSHE Potato Head

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yr4_pots1 yr4_pots2 yr4_pots2a yr4_pots5 yr4_pots6


yr4_ani1 yr4_ani3 yr4_ani2 yr4_anu yr4_ani5

Mother's Day Cards

yr4_mday1 yr4_mday5 yr4_mday3

Christmas Cards and Calendars

yr4_quill1 yr4_quill2 yr4_quill yr4_xcards

Musical Instruments

4inst1 4inst2 4inst3 4inst4 4inst5


Sept 2019 - July 2020

Egyptian Day

We spent a day in the life of an Egyptian. In the morning, we carried out many art and design activities including making Canopic jars. In the afternoon, we prepared and ate our feast.

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Using digital media, we edited our own photographs to create our 2020 calandars. We altered the brightness, shadows, highlights and even zoomed in on different elements.

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We have been learning about the digestive system. We worked scientifically to represent what happens inside our bodies during digestion!

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Sept 2018 - July 2019

Biome Models

We have been learning about the world’s climates and biomes. Over half term, we created a model, leaflet or poster about a chosen biome!

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Mother's Day Cards

The children used celery sticks to create a printed image.

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Brilliant Birds

To celebrate British Science week, we took part in the Brilliant Birds competition. Children worked alone or in pairs and had one hour to create a bird from the past, present or future from three sheets of card and a glue stick.

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Salvation Day Art

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Viking History Day

We immersed ourselves in the life of a Viking village, we learnt how to make materials for trade such as clay pots, beeswax candles and broaches. After we had recreated a traditional Viking battle we transported to the present day; becoming archaeologists. We had to dig in our trench and try to identify the location of our site based on our findings.

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Christmas Cards

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Sept 2017 - July 2018


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Sept 2016 - July 2017

Mothers Day Cards

The children used beetroot juice and dcreated tie dye flowers for their cards.

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Exploring God’s Creatures and Learning About Classifying Animals into Groups

Year 4 explored how animals can be classified into two main groups- vertebrates and invertebrates. We then found out how we can further classify animals by considering their characteristics and where they live. 
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Cressing Temple

Exploring Anglo-Saxons artefacts and everyday life at Cressing Temple.

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Year 4 learnt about place value and what actually happens when we exchange using column subtraction. Some of us later made a video to teach others.
We explored place value and representing digits in different ways.

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yr4_maths1 yr4_maths2 yr4_maths3


Sept 2015 - July 2016

Mother's Day Cards

The children used their new quilling skills to create a selection of flowers such as daffodils and tulips for their Mother's Day cards.

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God's Eye

The Huichol Indians of Mexico and the Aymara Indians of Bolivia weave brightly coloured yarn on a frame of crossed sticks to create a spiritual object called "Ojo de Dios" or "Eye of God". They were originally placed on an altar so that the gods could watch over the praying people and protect them.
The children created their own and decorated them with beaded tassels.

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Chinese New Year

The children learnt about some of the customs and celebrations that take part during Chinese New Year.  They produced sketches and created quilled collages inspired by the traditional Dragon Dance.

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yr4_dragon1 yr4_dragon8 yr4_dragon6 yr4_dragon11 yr4_dragon5

Saxon Brooches

The Anglo-Saxons fastened their clothes with brooches made from bronze or silver. They were usually circular and decorated with patterns and precious stones.  We made some jewellery of our own.

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Fruit Study

A selection of pencil and pastel artwork inspired by May Rivers, a local artist whose paintings classified fruit grown at The Rivers Nursery in Sawbridgeworth during the mid-1800s

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yr4_fruit17 yr4_fruit9 yr4_fruit11 yr4_fruit10 yr4_fruit6 yr4_fruit4

Making Soup

The children learnt how to make soup using vegetables grown in the school allotment.

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yr4_soup3 yr4_soup5

Sept 2014 - July 2015

Sport Projects

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sport_project4 sport_project2 sport_project6

Viking Warriors

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Controllable Vehicles

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Sept 2013 - July 2014

Houses In Chembakoli

house     house     house


Rainbow Red Orange Yellow Green Violet Blue Indigo