High Wych CE Primary SchoolHigh Wych, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. CM21 0JB View
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Eco Council
Sept 2022 - July 2023Climate JusticeThe children created artwork to support Climate Justice and displayed them in St James' Church to share with the community. Festival Of LightEco Council made lanterns for the Festival of Light at St Mary's church in Sawbridgeworth. Sept 2021 - July 2022School Allotment - Summer Term 2022The children have been busy growing produce throughout the year. School Allotment - Autumn Term 2021The school allotment is bursting with wonderful produce grown by the children from Van Hage's kind donation. We look forward to creating an autumn display to show at the harvest service.
RSPBEco Council have taken part in ‘Bird Watch’ 2019 for the RSPB. They made several bird feeders and we hung them on the trees just outside the music room. The Eco council then completed the survey by observing the different types of birds that they saw. The results of our observations were then sent to RSPB. The children enjoyed taking part in the survey and watching the birds as they ate the food; they also enjoyed rolling their sleeves up and making the bird feeders. Sept 2017 - July 2018 Allotment HarvestThe children harvest the produce they have grown in the school allotment and prepare it for the Harvest Festival to display in church. Vegetable SelectionThe children's hard work has paid off, the vegetables are growing well.
Modeshift Stars Clean Air DayOn June 15th we supported the East Herts Council Anti-idling Awareness campaign- ‘Turn your key- be idle free’ to coincide with the National Clean Air Day. Studies show that air pollution can slow down the development of children’s lungs leading to lifelong consequences. The children created posters to show their messages. Allotment MaintenanceYr5 & Yr6 children tidy the allotment before winter sets in.
Sept 2015 - July 2016 The Energy Eagles
SunflowersThe sunflowers the children planted in the allotment have grown very tall. The bees collect pollen during the summer months and when the flowers die the seeds will be used to make bird food.
Let's Get Wild In JuneAs part of 'Let's Get Wild in June' the Eco Council tidied up the Wildlife area and scattered seed bombs. Year 2 went to the allotment and helped keep the area tidy. Year 3 went pond dipping in the wildlife area. Year 4 carried out a tree study. Year 6 sketched their surroundings and observed the creatures living in our pond. Children form various classes searched the field for mini wildlife and also took photographs of our surrounding scenery.
Summer Term in the AllotmentYr4 harvest the vegetables sown last autumn.
The autumn planting is a great success, the onoins, broadbeans and garlic are all growing well.
Spring in the Wildlife GardenWatching The BirdsThe children have started gathering data for the RSPB Big Schools' Bird Watch. The children regularly stock up the feeders in the Wildlife Garden. Here are some of our visitors.
Autmn Term in the AllotmentThe children weed the vegetable beds and prepare sections of the soil for autumn planting.
Allotment - Month of JuneThe children have planted lots of different vegetables which are all growing well - butternut squash, courgette, marrow, onion, pea, and strawberry. The established raspberry canes are also full of fruit. Visitors To Our Wildlife GardenThe Robin, Coal Tit, Blue Tit and Dunnock visit the feeders in the Wildlife Garden to eat the food made by the children. RSPB Wildlife Action Awards - * The children have now achieved their Gold Award *The Wildlife Action Award is a scheme regarding finding out about wildlife, doing practical things to help and telling other people. Lots of things threaten our wildlife, but there are things we can all do to help. RSPB Big Schools' Bird Watch 2015 - 5th January-13th FebruaryMembers of the Eco Council took part in this activity. The Woodland Trust Green Tree Schools AwardThe Green Tree Schools Award is an environmental activities scheme.
Bug HotelThis is the Eco Council making a ‘Bug Hotel’ using wooden pallets and lots of other materials that bugs might enjoy living in, such as terracotta pots, bark, leaves, twigs and pine cones.
Sept 2013 - July 2015
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This year we are hoping to give it a little face lift as well. The Eco-council have been busy finding out what the children would like to see in the wildlife garden and how they think it could be improved. They came up with some amazing ideas!
We hope you enjoy following our project and learning all about our Wildlife Garden.
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The children in Reception Class have been busy working on their excellent hedgehog home. They made it out of a range of objects which were: a big cardboard box covered with a white plastic bag, heavy duty tape (they call it Mr. Counsell tape), shredded paper stuffed inside the box, vent holes on both sides and brilliant drawings stuck onto the box. The children had lots of fun making it.
The hedgehog home has been put safely at the bottom of the woods under a fallen tree where the hedgehogs are safe and warm. Red class talked about a safe place for them to live (where they would not be disturbed). Lucca and George also found a small box and they thought that mice and baby hedgehogs might crawl into the box.
Here are some of the things the children said about this activity:
Red class are looking forward to seeing if any hedgehogs are living there. Watch this space for more information! |
The Eco-Council has been busy looking after the birds by making them some delicious food to eat! |
You will need: - string - drinking straws - lard - bird seed - loaf of bread
What to do: - Pierce a hole in the side of the yoghurt pots and thread a string through. - Tie a small piece of straw to the inside of the pot to stop the string coming back out. - Put the lard into a bowl and soften it with a spoon. - Add the bird seed and mix it in well. - Crumble in the bread and stir into the mixture. - Press the mixture into yoghurt pots and hang it out for the birds. |
Now it’s time to sit back and watch how many different birds come to enjoy our lovely food!